Welcome to Wood Cladding
At Wood Cladding we specialize in the production of 3d wooden wall panels. With years of experience in the production of stone wall decorations a step into wood was fairly logical to make. After browsing through the available products on the market, we noticed that most of the wood cladding was too expensive, poorly made or impossible to export. This is why we decided to start up an advanced panel production our self. While producing almost all items our self we decided to also set up a network of trustworthy suppliers that can create a consistent product against a reasonable price. We support all our suppliers with our years of experience in assembly making sure that we always keep everything we export up to standard.
Within the variety of 3d wood panels we offer there is a clear difference in both the sophistication, with which the product was made and the type and amount of materials used. The more exclusive models contain either A grade or Reclaimed teak and some of the more affordable ones consist of good however lower grade woods. Although we work with a variety of woods we primarily use teak.
Besides our many teak panels that appear natural we also have various options for finishing. Playing around with different wood finishes gave birth to the “boat wood” variant in our collection. With an extensive variety of finishes and paint we have managed to make the panels appear as if they were made out of recycled boats, giving the 3d panels a rustic and antique appearance..
Even though our 3d wooden wall panels do consist of wood they don’t have a negative impact on the environment. The wall panels are constructed using cut-off wood, or in other words scrap wood from various large furniture suppliers in Yogyakarta, making it a product fully produced out of factory waste. Some of the panels are even made with scrap from reclaimed teak. Reclaimed teak itself is already a recycled material mostly originating from the demolition of old houses. By using the parts that were not used in the furniture production process, we manage to recycle it once again, keeping the waste to a minimum. Besides the main component all the items we sell are constructed with solvent free glues/adhesives, eradicating the harm upon the environment, health of our workers and the end consumer.
Natural Teak Series
Teak is probably the most widely used wood in the Indonesian wood industry. Due to its high environmental resistance, nice texture and strength it’s used in both indoor and outdoor furniture, boats, high-end flooring and much more. Teak is not indigenous to Indonesia and was brought over by Hindu monks in the 14th century, after which its usefulness was discovered by the Dutch, who had mostly depleted their oak supplies in Holland. As a result teak was abundantly planted in Indonesia over the last centuries and is not part of the rainforest. Till today there is still a vast industry for teak products that cover a large portion of Indonesia’s exports. The left overs of most manufacturing processes are however too small for general purpose. The latter waste is therefore used in our wood cladding. Teak is the most popular wood source for the cladding; mostly as waste wood is largely available, high in quality and still has a beautiful look. We offer several different varieties, ranging from rather chaotic models to our neater and more consistent teak wood cladding.
The Natural teak series is our most popular line of 3d wooden wall cladding and is produced in large quantities. These items are fully produced in-house, under strict quality control and supervision. Rather than to be randomly constructed the wood panels are based on a modular construction. The latter makes the items very consistent in appearance and extremely easy to customize, regarding finishes, differences in height and the use of different sizes of wood. Also its assembly on polyester netting gives the items more flexibility, making it easier to install, less fragile during transportation and allows for the panels to be thinner.
Natural Teakwood Cladding Small
Dimensions full panel: 60×20.3cm
Dimensions covered surface: 57×20.3cm
Surface: 0.115 m2
Wood: Teak
Weight: 800 Grams
Minimum Load per 20ft container: 877 m2
Items per box: 10 pieces
Natural Teakwood Brick F Large
Dimensions full panel: xcm
Dimensions covered surface: xcm
Surface: 0.1m2
Wood: Teak
Weight: 800 Grams
Minimum Load per 20ft container: xcm m2
Items per box: 10 pieces
Natural Teakwood Cladding Large
Dimensions full panel: 78×20.4cm
Dimensions covered surface: 72×20.4cm
Surface: 0.147 m2
Wood: Teak
Weight: 1450 Grams
Minimum Load per 20ft container: 603 m2
Items per box: 10 pieces
Reclaimed Teak Series
Although teak not being an indigenous tree the fast rate of world-wide deforestation has sparked a quickly rising demand for recycled wood. Usually when speaking of recycled teak the term reclaimed teak is used. Reclaimed Teak is mostly coming from old buildings, yet also boats, old furniture and several other appliances. Due to the nature of its previous use, reclaimed teak often has less than ideal dimensions. The latter is the reason that for this wood there is also a lot of waste available, which we once again use in our wood cladding. Reclaimed teak always has a bit of a used/old giving it characteristics that are globally quite desired. Also the wood, depending on how it is used, often still has old paint present. The variety in the appearance of old teak does make it a lot more inconsistent in its look which on the other hand mainly gives it its charm.
Reclaimed Teakwood Cladding
Dimensions full panel: 60x20cm
Dimensions covered surface: 57x20cm
Surface: 0.114 m2
Wood: Teak
Weight: 750 Grams
Load per 20ft container: 902 m2
Items per box: 10 pieces
Reclaimed Teakwood Cladding Div/Boatwood
Dimensions full panel: 60×20.4cm
Dimensions covered surface: 57×20.4cm
Surface: 0.116 m2
Wood: Teak
Weight: 750 Grams
Load per 20ft container: 902 m2
Items per box: 10 pieces
Store Ready Packaging

Like many of Roma Export Group’s products 3D Wood Cladding can also be supplied DIY ready. The picture above is merely an example as we can customize the packaging according to customer needs, with the information, images and brands the customer would like to see displayed. Also we can provide the packaging with EAN and UPC bar-codes making the products ready to go directly into the store. In the future we will also develop display stands to truly make the wooden wall panels as store ready as they get.
Skinwood Wooden Wall Panels
Before wood is cut to planks, logs are generally separated from the outer layer of “skin”, this wood is generally not as strong as the inside of the three and inconsistent in color. These left overs or “skins” are however, very suitable to make wall decoration, once properly treated. Overall the outer part of the teak tree gives the most natural appearance, as if the wall is literally covered by small pieces of tree.
Teakwood Cladding Exotic N
Dimensions full panel: 62x18cm
Surface: 0.103 m2
Wood: Skinwood
Weight: 1000 Grams
Load per 20ft container: *
Items per box: 10 pieces

Mixed Wooden Wall Panels
Not every house in Indonesia is made out of teak. A lot of other woods are discarded when houses are broken down. Teak is by far the most popular to make furniture, among many reasons due to it’s strength. In order to make wall paneling this is of less importance. Due to it’s strength teak barely decays, while such characteristics found in many other woods can actually be very desirable. For latter reason we also make panels out of various mixed reclaimed woods.
Wood Cladding Rustique
Dimensions full panel: 60x20cm
Dimensions covered surface: 50x20cm
Surface: 0.1m2
Wood: Various Hardwoods
Weight: 1000Grams
Load per 20ft container: 660 m2
Items per box: 10 pieces

Wood Cladding Jungle
Dimensions full panel: 62x18cm
Surface: 0.103 m2
Material: Reclaimed Java Wood
Weight: 1000 Grams
Load per 20ft container: *
Items per box: 10 pieces

Mixed Material Wall Panels
Teakwood Cladding Generations
Dimensions full panel: 66×20.6cm
Surface: 0.124 m2
Material: Reclaimed + Recycled Teak
Weight: 1000 Grams
Load per 20ft container: *
Items per box: 10 pieces

Mixed Cladding Porto
Dimensions full panel: 46×17.6cm
Surface: 0.07 m2
Material: Teak + Reclaimed Java Wood + Cement Tiles
Weight: 1100 Grams
Load per 20ft container: *
Items per box: 10 pieces

Mixed Cladding Temple
Dimensions full panel: 60×20.3cm
Surface: 0.115 m2
Material: Teak + Lava Stone
Weight: 1250 Grams
Load per 20ft container: *
Items per box: 10 pieces

Natural Teak Series (Continued)
Natural Teakwood DIV N
Dimensions full panel: 60×20.4cm
Dimensions covered surface: 57×20.4cm
Surface: 0.116 m2
Wood: Teak
Weight: 800 Grams
Minimum Load per 20ft container: 893 m2
Items per box: 10 pieces
Natural Teakwood Cladding Brick Flat N
Dimensions full panel: 51.75×21.7cm
Dimensions covered surface: 46×21.7cm
Surface: 0.1 m2
Wood: Teak
Weight: 750 Grams
Minimum Load per 20ft container: 1207 m2
Items per box: 10 pieces
Natural Teakwood Cladding Brick
Dimensions full panel: 54×20.4cm
Dimensions covered surface: 48×20.4cm
Surface: 0.098 m2
Wood: Teak
Weight: 750 Grams
Minimum Load per 20ft container: 905 m2
Items per box: 10 pieces
Natural Teakwood Cladding Div
Dimensions full panel: 54×20.4cm
Dimensions covered surface: 48×20.4cm
Surface: 0.098 m2
Wood: Teak
Weight: 1050 Grams
Minimum Load per 20ft container: 603 m2
Items per box: 10 pieces